Thursday, 19 January 2012

Health Update
Garlic: A Natural Medicine

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

I love those old folklore books.  Whether it is mythical, a mystical love story, or just plain horror, nothing can compare to the page-turning books from past generations.

I just finished reading Dracula (again).  This time it got me thinking about one piece in the book.  What is the deal with garlic?  I know the smell of garlic can be strong, but does it REALLY ward off the undead? Why garlic, why not say, spinach?

Literal figuration and symbolic figuration can be different.   I remember analyzing this book and how Dracula symbolized the plague which ravaged the countryside in the 1800s.  If this is the case, then I have the solution to my question!  Let me explain.

Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a way to add flavor to food.   However, garlic is used in other interesting ways.  During Roman times, soldiers chewed on garlic for strength.  In Romania, they still use garlic to ward off “evil."  Whatever the use, garlic is one of the healthiest and most nutritious spices in cooking.

If you are wondering what the plague was, this is all you need to know:  it was a sickness which killed many people.  Garlic was used to fight the plague before modern drugs like penicillin and antibiotics came around.  People used garlic to cure sickness and return people to good health.   How? Well the answer: Garlic is one of nature’s antibiotics!

Allicin has been researched extensively as a way to ward off illnesses.   Researchers think allicin can be a safe and effective antibiotic due to its antimicrobial activity, which fights bacteria invading our body, which can lead to sickness.   Amazing!  It also can control the growth of microorganisms and the spread of these microorganisms.

Maybe it’s just the smell which causes the bacteria to retreat!  I doubt it!

Garlic also possesses antioxidant properties.  As we all know, a result of our cells working overtime can be a buildup of free radicals.   Those free radicals wreak havoc in the body, leading to increased inflammation.   This can cause damage to cells and the walls in veins and arteries.  Antioxidants found in garlic can limit the amount of free radicals, which can reduce inflammation caused by free radicals.

So what else can be said about garlic?  Yes there is more!

Garlic has also been shown to help fight cancer.  In China, garlic was shown to reduce gastric cancer among men who ate garlic regularly.  It has been shown to block the binding of carcinogenic cells to DNA in cells.  It can also break down carcinogenic genes.  Some people theorize this is done through garlic’s ability to regulate cell proliferation or cell growth.  Garlic has also been shown to inhibit the growth of transplantable tumor cells, and also inhibit the cancer cells which occur spontaneously.

Garlic can also help in the fight against heart disease.    One part of garlic can help our arteries and veins dilate making it easier for blood to flow.  Polysulfides found in garlic are broken down and produce a gas - hydrogen sulfide - which helps vessels to open or dilate.  Also, research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has proven garlic is effective at lowering total cholesterol, triglycerides, and increases HDL cholesterol.

One more thing:  garlic can help in weight loss!   Another sulfur-containing cell in garlic can reduce inflammation in the body. 1,2-DT has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body.   Cells in the body, called preadipocytes, can become fully developed and turn into fat cells (adipose tissue).   This happens under specific conditions, usually when there is an increase in the inflammation response.   This compound may inhibit the inflammation response, therefore limiting the preadipocytes from becoming fat cells.

Garlic has been used for thousands of years as both a way to flavor our foods and to ward off evil.   However, you need to prepare garlic correctly in order to reap the benefits.  Once garlic is cooked, most of the nutrients are destroyed from the excessive heat.  So what is the best way to prepare garlic?

Chop or finely cut garlic to get the full health effects of garlic.  Once the garlic is chopped, allow it plenty of time to sit before adding it.  This will allow the nutrients to start working, and retain all the cancer fighting, free radical destroying, and evil warding nutrients that make garlic the perfect food to help you stay healthy, fit, and germ free 
How To Lose Weight Faster With Fiber
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Lose weight fast with fiber!  Some people wonder about the benefits of fiber.   Fiber is a beneficial nutrient.  Fiber has been linked to reductions in blood pressure, cholesterol, and body weight, as well as increased sensitivity to insulin, a good thing for diabetics.

Before we discuss fiber and weight loss, we need to know what fiber is. Fiber is a sugar molecule found in some common foods, which cannot be broken down by the body.  There are two forms:

• Soluble - this type of fiber dissolves in water and produces a gel-like substance in the stomach.   This substance helps digested food slowly move into the small intestine.  This slows down the food absorption by the small intestine, resulting in the slow release of nutrients in the bloodstream.  Soluble fiber binds to bile produced limiting the amount of cholesterol released into the blood.  There are hundreds of strains of microflora in the small intestine which protect us from diseases and can strengthen our immune system.  Soluble fiber helps the microflora grow, which protects us against other bacteria which can lead to diseases.

• Insoluble fiber - this type of fiber cannot be broken down once entering the stomach.  It increases in size by absorbing water, very much like a sponge.   This type of fiber speeds up foods absorption once it enters into the small intestine.    Insoluble fiber acts as a “cleaner” taking on water as it travels through the intestine making a softer stool in the end.

Research shows Americans are below the recommended average for fiber.  You might be thinking, "How can I get more fiber in my diet?"

Including items such as fruits, vegetables, oat bran, whole wheat products, and whole grain cereals are easy ways to increase the amount of fiber on a daily basis.  But be careful - do not rush to increase fiber in your diet all at once.

Rushing can lead to increased gas, bloating, and constipation.  Even though fiber can help aid digestion and constipation, increasing fiber quickly can produce negative effects on the body.   Start by adding fiber-rich foods gradually to prevent increased gas, bloating, and constipation.

There are many benefits associated with fiber.  Research has shown you can reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and for those who ate the recommended servings, had reduced body-fat levels.   Amazing!

Let me explain how fiber can do all these wonderful things!

Soluble fiber has positive effects on blood cholesterol.  There are many different reasons why this happens.  First, soluble fiber is able to ferment and help the microflora grow in the small intestine, which releases essential fatty acids into the bloodstream.  These fatty acids not only alter cholesterol levels, but benefit the small intestine by providing a breeding ground for healthy bacteria.   The associated reduction in cholesterol from fiber has to do with steroid excretion and altered fat absorption.  Also, once soluble fiber dissolves in water and the gel-like substance is produced, it binds to bile produced by the body, altering the release of cholesterol into the blood.  Unreal!

Fiber also has effects on weight management.  There are many different reasons for this.   The major component of fiber is water and other nutrients, which give fiber its bulk.   Since this bulk cannot be digested, you feel fuller for longer periods of time.  Another component of fiber is water.  This also helps us feel fuller, longer resulting in not feeling the need to overeat or snack.   Increasing fiber in your diet helps you feel satisfied after you eat.   Results: increased weight loss!

Fiber is beneficial in so many ways.  It helps control blood pressure, has positive effects on cholesterol, and can help shed a pound or two.   Americans are not even close to the recommended servings of fiber, so increasing your intake is crucial to overall health.

Here is a list of foods which contain high amounts of fiber:


Raspberries - a one cup serving has 8.0 grams of fiber
Pear (with skin) - 1 medium pear provides 5.5 grams of fiber
Medium Apple with skin - 1 medium apple provides you with 4.4 grams of fiber
Banana and orange - 1 medium banana or orange gives you 3.1 grams of fiber


Peas (cooked) - 1 cup of cooked peas gives you a whopping 8.8 grams of fiber
Broccoli - 1 cup of boiled broccoli gives you 5.1 grams of fiber
Sweet corn (cooked) - 1 cup of cooked sweet corn gives you 4.2 grams of fiber
Potato with skin (baked) - 1 medium potato baked with the skin gives you 2.9 grams of fiber
Lentils (cooked) - 1/2 cup cooked lentils gives you 6.6 grams of fiber
Navy beans (cooked) - 1/2 cup cooked navy beans gives you 9.5 grams of fiber

Other foods

Bran Flakes - ¾ of a cup gives you 5.3 grams of fiber
Oatmeal (cooked) - 1 cup gives you 4.0 grams of fiber
Black Beans (cooked) - 1 cup of black beans gives you 15.0 grams of fiber
Almonds - 1 ounce of almonds gives you 3.5 grams of fiber

Remember these three tips to help you increase your fiber intake:

1. Start with the most important meal of the day: breakfast.  Include whole-grain breads or cereals to your breakfast meal.  Make sure the package states "made with whole grain or whole wheat" to ensure you have the right bread or cereal for increasing your fiber intake.  Also, look for cereal which has fiber or whole grains in the title.

2. Add fruit and vegetables as quick, easy snacks you can grab on the go.  Increasing fruits and vegetables can easily increase your fiber intake.

3. Alter the way you make homemade breads or bakery items which include white flour.  Most of the nutrients in white flour are stripped away and then added again.  Alternating whole-wheat flour will add extra fiber to your diet

When adding fiber to your diet, add it gradually over time to prevent bloating and gas associated with fast increases in fiber.   Fiber can help you lose weight faster, by making you feel fuller and for longer.  Include items from the list above to help your heart while trimming your waistline for the future.
Vitamin D And Calcium.  POTENT Fat Fighters.
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Are you fat, tired, and unhappy with your appearance?

When you look in the mirror, do you see a protruding belly and NO SIX pack abs?

Have you tried everything from exercise to eating right - all to no avail?

What may be happening is this: you may be lacking essential nutrients in your diet which may INCREASE your fat burning potential.

But more importantly, if you find yourself overweight, you may have some deadly tissue growing inside your body.

And it may be wrapping itself around your organs.

This may INCREASE your risk for developing chronic diseases.

And those nutrients may be a KEY to fighting this nasty type of fat.

What am I talking about?

The connection between vitamin D, calcium and visceral fat!

Give me a moment and I will open your eyes to the newest research that is sweeping the nation.

And it may help banish your BELLY FLAB forever!

Visceral Fat

There are two types of fat in your body: subcutaneous and visceral.

One fat lies on TOP of your muscles, preventing you from seeing your six pack abs.

The other lies deeper, closer to your vital organs.

Chances are, if you have a protruding belly - then you may have MORE visceral fat.

Visceral fat may be deadly to your body’s fat burning potential, and also to your HEALTH.

In fact, the more visceral fat you have may increase your risk of developing CHRONIC DISEASES.

Visceral fat is commonly referred to as intra-abdominal fat.

This type of fat may be found in between and around your organs - even wrapped around your heart!

And when it is wrapped around your heart, your risk for heart disease may increase.

The problem with visceral fat: it may consist of more than just one type of fat.

In fact, it may be made up of THREE different types!

And they may all reside in a “pocket” in your fat cells.

And these pockets may be FILLED TO THE BRIM with nasty FAT.

You might be asking yourself if there is a way to rid yourself of visceral fat.

I am here to say YES, you may be able to cleanse your body of this disease-causing fat!

But first…

Protein and Weight Loss

Protein may provide the building blocks you need to maintain lean muscle tissue on your body.

And lean muscle may BOOST your metabolism, possibly leading to a tone and lean body.

There are different ways to increase your intake of dietary protein:

• Lean meats

• Nuts

• Protein supplements

However, with a hectic lifestyle you may be TOO busy and have very little time throughout your day to make a chicken breast or some kind of lean meat.

And you may have forgotten to replenish your stack of nuts.

The next best way is to mix your favorite protein powder with a tall glass of low fat milk or coconut milk.

This may give you good fats and an ample protein supply, which may be vital for lean muscle development.

Plus, it may provide more vitamin D and calcium, which may stimulate your body to burn MORE visceral fat.


Let me explain…

Vitamin D, Calcium, and Fat Loss

Researchers may have determined that vitamin D and calcium TOGETHER may be a potent one-two punch for weight loss.

And not your regular run-of-the-mill fat loss, but a potent fighter against visceral fat.

These researchers have determined that a large percentage of Americans may be lacking in calcium and vitamin D.

And this may lead to an increase in obesity.

In a similar study, researchers determined that youth who may be lacking in vitamin D, may be one key for the rise in youth obesity.

Now back to the ADULT study!

The researchers recruited 171 participants with an average age of 40.

They were randomly assigned to one of two groups: one with fortified orange juice (both regular and lite), and the other as a placebo.

The results were ASTOUNDING!

Both groups showed insignificant weight loss.

Insignificant weight loss means that it might have been statistically insignificant.

However, the group who had the fortified orange juice - lost 12.7 cm of visceral fat.

The control group lost only 1.3 cm.

Plus, the participants in the “lite” version - lost a dramatic 13.1 cm of visceral fat.

The control group in the lite version lost only 6.4 cm.

Their researchers concluded that vitamin D, in combination with Calcium supplementation, may reduce visceral fat deposits.

Even though this research is new and needs further study on the exact mechanism, the results may prove promising for reducing central obesity.

What Can You Do?

Obesity has grown to epic proportions.

And these numbers may continue to climb in the foreseeable future.

Being overweight or obese may increase your chances of developing chronic diseases.

In fact, the longer you hold onto your FAT may dramatically increase your risk.

There are two types of fat in your body: subcutaneous and visceral.

Visceral fat may be DEADLY to your health.

Including more calcium and vitamin D may increase your body’s ability to BOOST VISCERAL FAT BURNING, thereby banishing it FOREVER.

Including more foods that supply your body with adequate vitamin D and calcium may provide a powerful one-two punch for visceral fat loss.

Is Running Making You Fatter?

Written by: Shin Ohtake, Fitness & Fat-Loss Expert
Author of MAX Workouts, The Ultimate Lean Body Fitness Program
Every morning, shortly after we get up we take our dog out for an hour walk.  It’s our daily morning ritual.  Fortunately weather in southern California allows us to participate in this joyful activity and we take full advantage of it. 
Luckily we live close to the beach, so we take our walks along the beach and every morning we see all sorts of people partaking in fun activities like rollerblading, bike riding, walking.  But by far the most common activity we see is running…although I’m not sure if I’d consider running as a “fun” activity for me personally…I know many people love to run. 
I think it’s partly the endorphin rush you get when you run, not to mention it’s also the easiest form of exercise.  It’s something anyone can do…but easy isn’t always the best.  The biggest problem I see with people running is that majority of them aren’t physically strong enough to run properly. 
If you slowed down the motion and saw the biomechanics of running, you would quickly see that running is a plyometric exercise.  When you run, you actually put all of your weight on one foot and then push off with enough force to lift your entire body off the ground, while you switch legs and land on your other foot.  Running forces you to bear all of your weight on one foot at a time and then it’s repeated thousands of times or more depending on how far you run. 
That’s a lot of force being applied to the joints on your legs.  It’s no wonder so many people that run suffer from foot, ankle, knees and hip injuries.  Their joints aren’t capable of handling that kind of forceful repetitive stress. 
When you think about it, running requires a lot of muscle, tendon and ligament support.  So really, it should only be performed by people that are in good shape and strong enough to handle the repetitive force running places on your body.
Unfortunately most of the people I see running are nowhere near in the kind of shape they should be in.  It’s completely backwards…the people I see most often running are exactly the kind of people that shouldn’t be running.  It’s painful to see so many of these people that’s trying to get into shape by “literally” pounding their poor joints into the ground. 
The truth is when you begin running you will burn more calories, hence you will lose weight.  However, what you’re not realizing is that you’re setting yourself up for eventual halt in progression. 
Because your body has an innate ability to adapt and make things more proficient, so your body doesn’t have to expend as much energy.  What this means is that as you get better at running, your body ends up burning less calories when you run!  A double edge sword…right?  You want to get fit and be able to run better, but you also want to keep burning calories so you can lose weight.  So if your body keeps getting more efficient at conserving energy when you run, you have to either increase the distance you run OR increase the pace of your runs. 
And for most part, people tend to increase the distance, because it’s easier to do.  Increasing your pace for a long distance run is difficult, challenging and it’s too hard to keep the pace up without stopping or resting, so if your running continuously your pace automatically slows down to a pace that you can keep running for long periods of time.  And this usually ends up in one of the two scenarios:
  1. The first scenario is - you end up running the same distances at the same steady pace,  day in and day out and your weight loss progress complete comes to a halt.
  2. The second scenario is - that you get injured.  Your body and joints can only handle the constant pounding and the repetitive stress eventually causes inflammation on one or more of your joints..
Either way, neither scenario is good.
Not to mention that running long distances causes you to lose lean muscle mass, which is your body’s most effective calorie burner.  Less lean muscle mass means less calories burned as well as decreased strength, which makes you more susceptible to injuries.  It’s a vicious cycle. 
So what’s a runner to do?  STOP RUNNING.
There are far better and more effective ways to get into shape then just hitting the pavement and going for a long run.  Running has it’s place in a fitness regimen, but only after you’ve gotten strong enough to be able to sustain the kind of force running generates.  Even then, I think long runs should only be done sparingly…unless you’re training for an endurance event that requires you to do so. 
I’d stick to doing short bursts of sprints or fast paced running followed by rest and recovery.  This way you’re only putting pressure on your joints for a short period of time followed by rest so your muscles, tendons and ligaments can recover…hopefully enough for you to be able to sustain the force for multiple rounds of short runs.  You can repeat this process as many times as you want (or as many as your body lets you)...although I see no need to do anymore than 20 - 30 minutes worth.
I would also recommend running on grass, sand or any surface that has some give instead of concrete…to reduce the amount of stress put on your joints.
Even then, these short bursts of running may still be too strenuous for some of you that are just starting out and need more time to develop proper conditioning and strength before tackling the runs.  Which is why it’s vital that you include strength training as part of your regular fitness regimen. 
Now, I’m not talking about ineffective isolated exercises…sorry to disappoint, but if you’ve been hittin’ the weights doing bicep curls or tricep kick backs, it’s just not going to cut it. You need to be doing full body exercises that build functional strength.  Functional strength enables you to carry the benefits over to activities like running, hiking, climbing as well as essential primal movements such as lifting, carrying, jumping, pulling and pushing…all activities/movements that your body performs on a daily basis.
And let’s not forget that performing full body functional exercises also builds lean muscle mass which increases your ability to burn more calories…especially from fat…hence getting you leaner and fitter, much more effectively than “just” running.

Stay Lean,
5 Reasons that I Think Treadmill and Elliptical Machine Workouts are a Waste of Time
Plus 10 workout ideas that I believe are more effective and fun!
belliptical machine cardio workouty Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-selling program:  The Truth about Six-Pack Abs

Now that I pissed off all of the treadmill and elliptical machine worshipers... let me say that if you truly enjoy mindlessly pumping away on a treadmill or elliptical (or exercise bike for that matter too), then by all means, keep doing what you enjoy, because enjoying your exercise is one of the most important aspects to sticking with any exercise program...

However, don't say that I didn't warn you that you were wasting your time with all that mindless cardio machine boredom.
If I haven't mentioned it before, I don't believe in cardio machines, and to be quite honest, I don't think I've personally used a treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike for at least the last 7-8 years or so.
As a matter of fact, I don't even use cardio machines anymore for warmups before a workout (I did before occasionally)... Nowadays, I prefer to do dumbbell or kettlebell snatches and swings mixed with bodyweight exercises as the perfect full body warmup at the beginning of my workouts.
So why do I have such hatred for cardio machines?  Well, here are 5 reasons:
1) Treadmills, ellipticals, and exercise bikes are mind-blowingly BOOOORING!  Personally, I can think of a million things I'd rather be doing than pedaling my way to nowhere!
2) Mindless steady state cardio exercise while watching TV or reading creates a mind / body disconnect resulting in poor results from your exercise routine.  Instead of reading a gossip magazine or watching a cheesy reality TV show on the TV screen in front of the cardio machine, a REAL workout consists of actually having your mind engaged strongly in what your body is doing!
3) I've seen studies that indicated that treadmill running may be less effective than outdoor running for various reasons such as stride abnormalities on treadmills vs natural running, slightly less caloric burn compared to outdoor running, etc.
...although I never recommend just "jogging" anyway (or as Ron Burgundy would say, "yogging") ... Instead, variable intensity walks / runs or sprints are so much more effective, training your heart rate in a much wider range instead of just the same pace during the entire workout.  I choose to do a lot of hiking up mountains and also wind sprints, but never steady state jogging.
4) Treadmills and ellipticals are ridiculously expensive and a waste of money for people that workout at home... there's so many better options for home workouts you could have spent your money on rather than wasting it on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical.
The perfect home gym setup is MUCH cheaper... there's no reason you need anything other than a jump rope, bodyweight exercises, a few dumbbells, stability ball, maybe a few kettlebells (if you want to get fancy), and perhaps high tension bands for some more variety.  And of course... the great outdoors has some of the best workout options of all... hiking, mountain biking, kayaking, skiing, sports, and more! 
5) Treadmills and elliptical machines are just a very ineffective way to workout compared to other options.  The metabolic response is much lower compared to the types of workouts ideas that I describe below.  Why should you do treadmill or elliptical workouts when you can get better results by doing more interesting forms of training that actually stimulate a fat-burning hormonal response and stimulate your metabolism to a greater extent...
So what are the alternatives to treadmills, exercise bikes, and elliptical trainers? Here are TEN of my favorite types of alternative workouts:
  1. jumping rope - great mind-body connection - try speed jumping, crossovers, and double jumps once you get skilled at it.  An amazing metabolic exercise with one of the cheapest pieces of equipment available.  There's a reason that every world class boxer uses this exercise!
  2. kettlebell training - nothing will get your heart pounding like high repetition KB swings and snatches or clean & presses (can be done with dumbbells too, but I prefer KBs).  Personally, I think one of the most intense body changing exercises ever invented are double kettlebell snatches (snatching both kettlebells at the same time overhead from the floor). 
  3. outdoor wind sprinting (the ultimate exercise for a rock hard ripped body... just look at the chiseled powerful bodies of world class sprinters, and compare that to the weakling withered physique of a typical marathoner... nuff said!  I generally do wind sprints 2-3 days a week during the warm times of the year, and I'll do something such as 50 yards, 60 yards, 70 yards, 80 yards, 90 yards, 100 yards, and then repeat (with about 40-60 second rests between sprints).  By the way, for the international folks, a "yard" is just slightly shorter than a meter. 
  4. hill sprinting - yet another classic exercise for a rock hard lean and powerful body!  I like to do 30 yard sprints up a steep hill and then walk down and repeat a bunch of times for maybe 20-30 minutes.  Amazing workout.
  5. The rowing machine - ok, I don't really lump this in as a "cardio" machine like treadmills and ellipticals... I think the rowing machine is actually a great full body workout that actually uses resistance... The best results come from using variable speeds and really pulling hard to challenge your body.
  6. Sprint style swimming workouts - a more muscular workout than steady state distance swimming... I actually love the upper body pump I get from sprint style swimming -- this is the same concept as sprinting vs jogging but in a pool instead.  It's all about intensity! 
  7. heavy bag punching / kicking workout, speed bag, rebound bag - all are great forms of training and much more interesting than boring cardio machines.  These exercises are also great examples of exercises that require an intense mind-body connection, which is missing in boring cardio equipment like treadmills and elliptical machines.
  8. shadow boxing - This is an awesome workout, but if you're shy, this is best saved for your home workouts since you'll get some crazy stares doing this at a typical gym from people who think they're "too cool" for stuff like this.
  9. dumbbell circuits -- This is a super metabolic type of workout that involves alternating between various full-body multi-joint exercises to get a crazy fat-burning workout in minimal time.  A good example would be alternating between dumbbell lunges, overhead presses, bent over rows, step ups, and squat presses all with minimal rest between.
  10. bodyweight training - bodyweight squats, pushups, lunges, jumps, bear crawls, mountain climbers and jumpers, planks, and the list goes on and on.  Another example of great mind-body connection and much more metabolic type of training than treadmills and ellipticals.  My fitness buddy, and world class trainer, Craig Ballantyne has 101 killer bodyweight exercises formulated into awesome fat-burning workouts here.
Well, I hope this article helps give you ideas on how you can get away from all of these mindless and ineffective treadmill and elliptical trainer machines (and exercise bike) workouts that are just wasting your time and energy that could be better spent on more effective workouts.
If you want maximum results, it's all about your intensity levels and also your mind-body connection... and that all important mind-body connection is usually missing when it comes to elliptical and treadmill workouts, that most people do while watching TV or reading.