Hi, today I going to finish the topic about what contains in fruits and what fruits can do to us.So last but no least these are the fruits;
Contains vitamins B6 and C ,minerals just copper and potassium.Helps to control diabetes cause pear contains levulose - a fruit sugar more easily tolerated by people with diabetes.
Bromeline is an enzyme that aids digestion and helps dissolve excess mucus so is useful for hay fever and asthma.Contains B,C,E and folic acid meanwhile minerals pineapple have potassium,iron,calcium,phosphorus and sodium.
Contains minerals such as zinc,sodium,phosphorus,magnesium,potassium,calcium and iron.Vitamins B,C,E,niacin and beta-carotene.Good for promoting healthy skin and slowing down the signs of ageing.Also maintaining healthy male reproductive function.
Contains vitamins B,C,E,beta-carotene,niacin and folic acid.Good for slowing down the signs of ageing.Also building blood and boosting the immune system.Minerals such as zinc,sulphur,magnesium,sodium,iron,potassium and calcium.
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